Sepecat Jaguar GR1A XX732, 226 OCU, RAF Lossiemouth crashed Eskdalemuir Forest, Craik on 27th November 1986 Crew Accident Details The aircraft left Lossiemouth at 12:35 hrs for a low level training exercise. At the controls was Captain David Ronald Buteau, a USAF exchange pilot. The weather for the flight was good with occasional rain showers forecast,...
Author: Jim Corbett
Unknown Civil Aircraft
Unknown Civil Aircraft crashed Deadwater Farm, Kielder on 20th July 1984 Crew Accident Details The pilot was returning to Cheshire from a family visit to Aberdeen when over the high ground of Northumberland a rain squall was encountered making visibility difficult. A successful forced landing was made in a field adjacent to Deadwater Farm. Two...
Phantom XV477
McDonnell Douglas Phantom FGR2 XV477 (C), 6 Squadron RAF Coningsby crashed Thack Moor, Alston on 20th November 1972 Crew Accident Details The aircraft, one of a pair returning to base after a sortie a low level sortie, encountered bad weather near Penrith. Visibility deteriorated as they approached the pennines and the flight carried out the...
Anson TX194
Avro Anson C.MK.19 TX194, Communication Squadron, RAF Turnhouse crashed Stagshaw Bank, Corbridge on 1st April 1958 ” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″] Crew Accident Details Anson TX194 had left RAF Turnhouse early in the morning of 1st April 1958 for a Cross-Country exercise. At the controls was pilot Flt Lt John Ronald Currie Brouwer a WW2...
Hunter XG236
Hawker Hunter F6 XG236 (N), 66 Squadron, RAF Acklington crashed Wainhope, Kielder on 14th February 1958 ” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″] Crew Accident Details At 0745 hrs on Friday, 14th February 1958 F/O Bryan Walter Schooling, having had breakfast in the mess, attended the daily weather briefing and afterward went to the squadron crew room...
Auster TW582
Taylorcraft Auster AOP.6 TW582, 664 (AOP) Squadron, RAF Hucknall crashed Otterburn, Northumberland on 11th September 1955 Crew Accident Details 664(AOP) Squadron were on detachment from RAF Hucknall to take part in artillery shoots over the Otterburn range during the month of August 1955, which ran over into early September. On 11th September 1955 Lt Anthony...
Chipmunk WP780
De Havilland Chipmunk Mk.10 WP780, Durham UAS, RAF Usworth crashed Otterburn, Northumberland on 1st April 1955 ” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″] Crew Accident Details The Durham University Air Squadron (UAS) Easter camp was to be held at RAF Usworth starting from 18th March 1955. The camp was to be divided into three periods, the last...
Mosquito RF847
De Havilland Mosquito Mk.VI RF847, 16 Ferry Pilots Pool, Kirkbride crashed Riccalton, Cheviot Hills on 30th March 1945 ” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″] Crew Accident Details The aircraft was being ferried from RAF Kirkbride near Carlisle, home to 16 Ferry Pilots Pool of the Air Transport Auxiliary, to 404 Squadron based at Banff in Scotland....
B17 44-6504
Boeing B17-G Fortress 44-6504 (PU-M), 303rd Bomb Group/360th Bomb Squadron, Molesworth crashed The Cheviot, Wooler on 16th December 1944 ” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″] Crew Accident Details In the early morning of 16 December 1944 a force of B17’s from the 303rd Bomb Group took off from Molesworth in Cambridgeshire for a mission to bomb...
Mosquito DD753
De Havilland Mosquito NF Mk.II DD753, 54 O.T.U., RAF Charterhall crashed The Curr, Cheviot Hills on 12th December 1944 ” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″] Crew Accident Details The aircraft took off at 21:50 hrs was on a night interception exercise when from RAF Charterhall when, 20 minutes later, it flew into the northern slopes of...