Jaguar XX732

Sepecat Jaguar GR1A XX732, 226 OCU, RAF Lossiemouth crashed Eskdalemuir Forest, Craik on 27th November 1986 Crew Accident Details The aircraft left Lossiemouth at 12:35 hrs for a low level training exercise.  At the controls was Captain David Ronald Buteau, a USAF exchange pilot.  The weather for the flight was good with occasional rain showers forecast,...

Mosquito DD753

De Havilland Mosquito NF Mk.II DD753, 54 O.T.U., RAF Charterhall crashed The Curr, Cheviot Hills on 12th December 1944 ” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″] Crew Accident Details The aircraft took off at 21:50 hrs was on a night interception exercise when from RAF Charterhall when, 20 minutes later, it flew into the northern slopes of...

Hurricane Z3150

Hawker Hurricane Mk.IIB Z3150, 43 Squadron, RAF Acklington crashed Peel Fell on 3rd November 1941 Crew Accident Details At 14:30 hours on 03.11.41 four Hurricanes took off from RAF Acklington for a formation flying exercise. On the return leg heavy cloud was encountered over the Scottish Borders. The flight consisted of Flt Lt May flying...

Hampden L4063

Handley Page Hampden Mk.I L4063, 50 Squadron, RAF Waddington crashed Windy Gyle, Cheviot Hills on 17th March 1940 Crew Accident Details Hampden L4063 had left RAF Waddington in Lincolnshire at 19:18 hours for a security patrol over Heligoland. Having encountered no enemy activity, and still fully loaded with bombs, the aircraft returned, keeping at altitude...

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